
Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Lemur Lines

Drawing a Ring-tailed Lemur

Prints, posters, signed fine art reproductions, and cards are available 
for purchase in my Etys shop at:

Ring-tailed Lemur. 11x17" Ballpoint Pen and Ink wash

I started drawing a Ring-tailed Lemur on March 30th, without any idea that it was the first day of "Lemur Week". Lemur Week runs from March 30th to April 5th, and I found this out after one of my Facebook page followers named, Carol Smith-Nichols told me. Thanks Carol! Not only for informing me, but also following my Facebook page at I really appreciate it. 

The drawing I did was commissioned for a large donor of Duke Universities Lemur Center, the largest sanctuary for prosimian primates in the world. You can visit their site at:  It's an 85-acre sanctuary for rare and endangered primates located in Durham, North Carolina. The Duke Lemur Center is the world’s largest and most diverse collection of lemurs – Earth’s most endangered group of mammals – outside of Madagascar. The Duke Lemur Center advances science, scholarship, and biological conservation through interdisciplinary research, community-based conservation and public outreach.

Lemurs are only found on the African Island of Madagascar, and there are over 100 species. The word Lemur derives from the word Lemures, which mean "ghosts or spirit" from Roman mythology. They are threatened by a host of environmental problems including deforestation, hunting, live capture of exotic pet trade and climate change. 16% of Lemurs are Critically Endangered, 23% are Endangered, 25% are listed as vulnerable  and 28% are Data Deficient.

Also, don't miss the IMAX 3D movie about Lemurs which opened on Friday April 4th. It looks amazing and is an in dept look at Lemur in the wild.! Check out the Hi-Def trailer at:

Here are some photos taken during my drawing process

Prints, posters and signed fine art reproductions are available 
for purchase in my Etys shop at: