
Thursday, March 28, 2013

I'm almost done with the design and production of my dad's book of short stories. Here's the wrap jacket almost complete. One of my color pieces of art will appear on the cover. The only thing we are waiting for before it goes to the printer are two reviews for the back cover, one which is my dad's close friend and college roommate at Georgetown University William Peter Blatty's (yes, author of the Exorcist Bill Blatty, as dad calls him). Just a few months ago when dad met with Bill he was kind enough to get a signed first edition of the Exorcist for me. Thanks dad!

Its been far too long for this project to come to fruition, and I'm very excited to have been able to be a part of having one of dad's dreams come true. The book will consist of 13 short stories that dad has written over the years. 256 pages long. Stories he has written with wit, humor, life experiences and a good old twist of my dad's love of story telling. I'll post the final book when it gets back from the printer. Thanks for all you have done for me, dad. I'm so happy I could do something to return all of your love. Love you Dad!


  1. Well I would like a signed edition of uncle Joe's book for my library. Can you or Joe accomodate me?

    1. Hi John. I'll let my dad know that you would like a signed copy. He will be getting the books from the printer when they are finished. Which I hope is in the next month or so. All the best!

  2. I would love on also from my loco parentis from back in the 70's!
    Great work Tim!

    1. Hi Andy. I'll let my dad know that you would like a copy also. I'm so happy dads work will finally be read and enjoyed by many. All the best. Tim

  3. Janet McCann ReillyMarch 29, 2013 at 4:13 AM

    So cool Tim-and Mr Jeffs. Want to add that after your dad's tribute to my dad at the funeral (which did have lots of mention of Irish, blarney, life stories)-I heard over and over from attendees that your dad was a MASTER storyteller.My inlaws especially were taken aback at his ability to tell the life of my dad and the "times" to boot!
    We are fortunate indeed!
    Peace, Janet

    1. Hi Janet. It's been a long long time coming and I'm so proud to be able to honor him by finally getting his work published. You're right, he really is the Master storyteller! Hope all is well with you. Tim
