
Saturday, October 19, 2013

Hoo you looking at?

Drawing a Great Horned Owl

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Great Horned Owl. 11x17" Ballpoint Pen and Ink wash

I've been meaning to do a final drawing of an owl for sometime now and finally decided to put one down on paper. With their incredible detailed plumage, it was a challenge to say the least. They are amazing birds which live among us in North American but are rarely seen. After 48 years living with them, I can count on one hand the times I have seen an owl in nature. I've heard their wonderful low-pitched but loud "ho-ho-hoo" calls more times than spotting one.

Here's a cool owl fact that I didn't know. They regularly eat skunks, and may be the only animal with such an appetite. In a recorded case the remains of 57 striped skunks were found in one owls nest. These stealthy creatures are well camouflaged and are most active during the night. Owls have spectacular binocular vision and their eyes are nearly as large as human beings. Another fact I didn't realize is that an owl eyes are immobile within it's eye sockets. So instead of turning it's eyes to see it must turn its head, which it can do at an incredible 270 degrees. If you live in North or parts of South American, keep a look out for a chance to see one of these majestic birds! And as always, thanks for visiting my blog!

Here are some photos taken during my drawing process

 Owls have incredible eyes, and they are incredibly fun to draw

As I drew the eyes I could feel them staring me down

  A close up of the almost finished eyes

Inking in the background

  Working on the plumage

  A close up of the finished face

  A close up of the finished eye

 A before and after of the owls face


  1. how do you get the pre drawing detail behind the picture when you first start out? Is there some kind of software to do this from a picture?
